Monday, October 11, 2010

Jumping on...

So I did it.  I have been saying I was going to for awhile now, and I did it.  I started a blog.  I'm sure my goal for this blog is the same as everyone's: to chronicle the daily ins-and-outs of our little Clayton corner of the world.  Although I must be truthful and admit that I only intend to put all the positive things I do, so that when my children read this 15 years from now they will only read about how I was an amazing mother, and about how much fun I created for them in their childhood.  Hopefully they all have short memories.


  1. LOVE IT Rach! That's what I do too...and any time I write something less than fabulous I just delete it after a few days (once I've gotten it out of my system) & pretend it never happened. That way I will always be remembered as fabulous. Whether that's the truth or not...only I know! :) Glad you're blogging! Now, just don't quit! :)

  2. HOORAY! I can't wait to watch the perfect adventures of the Claytons! =)
